
Daily Reading 17

"Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool. . . Here a great number of disabled people used to lie." -John 5:2-3

This pool. mentioned above is in a place called Bethesda. Lots of people are walking around, not paying any attention to the activity that is going on around this pool. Some of the passersby are going to the temple to seek God. the funny thing is, Jesus (God as a man) is walking near the pool amongst a whole lot of sick people who want to be well. The purpose of this "pool" was to heal. Under the pool, the water source was a natural spring. When the spring bubbled up, people thought that the first person to touch the water would be healed. One man was sitting a bit away from the pool, paralyzed when Jesus noticed him. At the time, he was alone; no disciples watching or following.
When Jesus sees this man, he asks him what appears to me to be a silly question, "Do you want to be well?"
The cynic in me says, "DUH, Jesus! Of course he wants to be well. Why do you think that he's there?"
The funny thing is that the man replies with a problem. He has no one to help him get to the water when it starts moving. And Jesus doesn't even really acknowledge the problem. Instead, he changed the man's perception and did something that he did not expect. He showed him the power of faith. Instead of carrying the man down to the pool, he told him to get up and walk. The man did it! He didn't argue that he couldn't. He didn't give excuses that others wouldn't help. He did what Jesus said because he believed him.

A lot of times I am not sure how have faith every day. I'm not saying that I don't believe that God loves me or that he forgives me. It's kind of hard to articulate. I guess I get annoyed sometimes when people say, "You just gotta have faith." What does that mean? Does that mean that I am not believing hard enough to please God? I don't think so. I don't think that God is up there waiting for us to perform certain actions in order to supernaturally open all of these consecutive doors. I guess my prayer to God is, help me to, "Get up and walk" when you're telling me to. Help me to step into the unknown and be okay with your guidance and my lack of control...
What do you think about this man's faith?

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