
Daily Reading 11

"Both Jesus and His followers were also invited to the wedding." -John 2:2

There is always some reason that a story is included in the Bible. This book called John is one of the four books of the bible called the gospels. They're given that title because they tell about the life and message of Jesus. Gospel means good news.
In my opinion, it is pretty good news that Jesus was invited to this wedding. You might say that He had just begun his "tour" and others had not really thought of Him as a celebrity, yet. A few guys had heard him talking about familiar things from the scriptures and wanted to know more about Him. But, at this time, Jesus was not doing miraculous healing or attracting a lot of attention. He was invited to a wedding, probably because the bride and or groom liked his company. He then walked a really long way - 90 miles to be at their wedding and His followers were invited, too.
It makes me smile to think that Jesus spent time at a wedding. He was very much God, but also did things to relate to us.

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