
Daily Reading 10

"Rabbi where are you staying?" they asked. (John 1:38)

"Come and see." -John 1:39

"We have found the Messiah." -John 1:41

Two guys, John and Andrew were doing a lot of listening to John the Baptist. Then they heard about Jesus and started listening to his teaching. The way that we can tell that these guys looked to him as different is by thinking about the question they asked. They asked where he was staying because they wanted to be around him, to learn from him, and to really know him.

The response Jesus gave, telling them to come and see is really intriguing. You know that popular catch phrase, "I'll believe it when I see it?" Jesus actually invited these two to get up close and personal and find out who he was. He wanted them to come and hang out with him. How could they really figure out who he was without doing so? Of course this makes sense. He wanted followers who wanted to know and learn from him. They took the initiative to ask and he welcomed it.

I can relate to John and Andrew. I want to understand and "see" who Jesus is, too. Reading his words helps me to figure out how to be more like him. When I do get that figured out, other people around me can "see" Jesus in my actions.

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